Esta nota fue publicada en la revista AmCham's BUSINESS (volume 14, #18, Sep 2007). Si leo esto de otro sistema, pienso que es una nota pagada para propaganda. Hasta lo que se, nadie pagó por esto.... TICA es la implementación de Concepto del GIA en Costa Rica. Costa Rica's managment of imports has changed radically with the advento of TICA, an import-monitoring system now being used in all Costa Rican ports of entry. Kevin Ludeke The TICA custom system is much more than a new computer program. It represents a new way of managing sutoms and as such it augers well for Costa Rica's future. All the particpants in import an export activity - shippers, importers, customs agents, custom officials, banks - have felt the difference. The roll-out of this new way of doing things has been very delibertate, starting with the relative small Pacific port operation of Caldera in June of 2005, then followed in late 2005 and all of 2006 by the Central Custom Office, Juan Santamaría airpo...