Amazon EC2 permitirá subir aplicaciones ASP.NET a la nube

Coming Soon: Amazon EC2 With Windows

We're getting ready to enable the use of Microsoft Windows Server on Amazon EC2 later this Fall.You will be able to use Amazon EC2 to host highly scalable ASP.NET sites, high performance computing (HPC) clusters, media transcoders,SQL Server, and more. You can run Visual Studio (or another development environment) on your desktop and run the finished code in the Amazon cloud.The 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows Server will be available and will be able to use all existing EC2 features such as Elastic IP Addresses, Availability Zones, and theElastic Block Store. You'll be able to call any of the other Amazon Web Servicesfrom your application. You will, for example, be able to use the Amazon Simple Queue Service to glue cross-platform applications together.Existing EC2 tools will be able to launch Windows-powered EC2 instances. Once launched, you can use the Windows Remote Desktop or the rdesktop tool to access your instances.

y tambien

Windows instance pricing will be strictly pay-as-you-go, like our other services. Customers will only pay for as much or little as they actually use; of course the actual price will be higher than Linux-based instances, due to the cost of Windows licenses. We'll announce specific pricing when we make the service broadly available later this Fall.

Va a estar interesante para poder hacer el deployment de aplicaciones GeneXus en los datacenter de Amazon, de la misma forma que mostro Roqueta como ya se podian subir aplicaciones Java para ejecutar en los servidores de Amazon.


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