Estonia vota con los celulares.

Leo en Engadget, que en Estonia ya esta autorizado el voto a traves de celuar para las elecciones del 2011. Me parece un muy buen paso.

Estonia to allow citizens to vote via cellphone by 2011

Brutal honesty here: on election day this past November, the entire Engadget staff (well, those of us with US passports) collectively agreed that casting our vote via SMS or some other incredibly simple method would be infinitely more awesome than trudging out in the streets and waiting in hour-long lines. Clearly, some higher-ups in Estonia are on board with that concept, as its Parliament has approved a law that will likely make it the first nation on Planet Earth to give citizens the right to vote by phone in something that matters (American Idol notwithstanding). 'Course, those who choose to take advantage must first obtain a free authorization chip for their handset, which sort of kills the whole "not having to leave your house" aspect of all this. Ah well, at least we're moving in the right direction.

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  1. Del punto de vista tecnológico está impresionante (es lo que nos gusta :) pero me parece que anula la transparencia de los votos al no existir un cuarto oscuro.

    Así que no pienso que elegir el presidente via sms sea una buena idea.


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