Goolag Scanner

Estaba leyendo las especificaciones técnicas de Goolag Scanner (es un programa que utiliza búsquedas de Google para encontrar vulnerabilidades, escrito por CULT OF THE DEAD COW y dice:
NOTE: If you use C#, you probably feel the need for C++, if you use C++ you may need Python, in a Python-project you'll learn the need for Java, using Java, you will love C# or Fortran. Or Assembler. Or simply commit suicide. (Programming is a bitch.)

Es bueno saber que hay gente que sabe escribir especificaciones técnicas...

Cuando estos nenes dicen:

The cDc developed this software. It's issued under the terms of the GPL. If this software does something bad to your computer or network or provides information that you have no legal right to see, then that's your problem. In some countries this software might be illegal. Don't be stupid, and don't come whining to us if you get into trouble. You've been warned.

es mejor tomarlos en serio y no hacer bobadas. Son los mismos que hicieron el Back Orifice hace unos cuantos años.
