Modelos grandes - Entity Framework
Leo en Working with large models in Entity Framework, en el blog de ADO.NET team blog, que hay gente que plantea problemas de performance cuando los modelos se hacen grandes.
Working With Large Models In Entity Framework – Part 1
We have seen quite a few requests coming in from various folks asking for some guidance on best practices around working with large entity models in an Entity Framework application. The following post tries to describe the typical issues you would face when using a large entity model and tries to provide some guidance that hopefully will help mitigate some of these issues.
Issues with using one large Entity Model
The easiest way to create an Entity Model today is through the Entity Data Model Wizard in Visual Studio by pointing it at an existing database. The experience is very straight forward if the database size is not too big. Of course ‘big’ is a relative word. In general you should start thinking about breaking up a model when it has reached 50-100 entities. The Entity Framework can handle larger models but you could run into performance problems if the model is too inter connected (more details below).
Es recofortante ver que cuando Microsoft empiezan a manejar modelos, tienen problemas similares a los discutidos en los intercambios de ideas que hicimos entre los que programamos sobre KB Grandes.
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