Biodiesel "Me encanta" ®

En el artículo Biodiesel helps build Microsoft data center dice:

The trucks ferrying cement to and from the massive building site and equipment used inside the first building are all powered with biodiesel made from Washington-grown canola oil, said the head of a company selling the biodiesel to Microsoft.

During their first meeting, the construction company decided to switch fully over to biodiesel for the project, he said. Seven cement trucks were working 12 hour days, six days a week for a while, running on biodiesel, until the floor of the massive building was complete, he said.

Microsoft spokesman Lou Gellos confirmed that the construction company is using biodiesel at the Quincy, Wash., site. "It smells like you're in a fast-food restaurant in there," he said. Biodiesel, which in this case is made from the same type of oil that is often used in restaurant fryers, can let off a scent similar to fried food when it's burned in engines. The first building there is now finished, he said.

Está buena la idea de usar biodiesel para mover camiones. Conozco por arriba el proyecto que tiene COUSA (es cliente nuestro :)) , para producir este tipo de combustibles en Uruguay, que está parado por diversas causas.

Lo que no me convenció es que si todos los autos, camiones y ómnibuses utilizan biodisel, vamos a tener en la calle el olor insoportable que tienen todos los McDonald's del mundo?.

No podremos tener avances en el cuidado del medio ambiente, sin tener efectos colaterales tan nocivos? :)

Como dice el filósofo uruguayo Riki Musso, "Nada es gratis en la vida".


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